IPS World Scientific Award 2021
YANG Shengyuan portrait
Assoc. Prof.
YANG Shengyuan

Engineering Product Development, Science, Mathematics and Technology cluster, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Emergent particles, anomalous shifts, and nonlinear effects
29 Sept, 2:30pm

A theme in condensed matter physics is to characterize and study various elementary excitations. These excitations can be regarded as emergent particles of a (usually complicated) system. This view is particularly valued in the study of topological states of matter in the past twenty years. In this talk, I will introduce our works on classifying emergent particles in crystals and their interesting physics, such as the anomalous shifts in interface scattering and pronounced nonlinear response effects.

IPS Nanotechnology Physics Medal 2021
WANG Qijie portrait
WANG Qijie
Director, Centre for OptoElectronics and Biophotonics (OPTIMUS)
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Division of Physics and Applied Physics, SPMS, Nanyang Technological University
Quantum Cascade Lasers: Enabler for Mid-infrared and Terahertz Photonics
29 Sept, 3:00pm

In this talk, I will first share some stories about my research experience and career, and how I become an applied physicist on semiconductor technologies. Then I will talk about the working principle of quantum cascade lasers and the reasons why they have become the first choice of electrically pumped semiconductor lasers for Mid-infrared and Terahertz photonics. To conclude the talk, I will introduce a recently developed electrically pumped topological laser based on the quantum cascade laser platform which is immune to defects and sharp corners.